Making Play Dough with your Toddler
Young children love making and playing with play dough. Here are some instructions and ideas on how to enjoy this activity together.
1. Ingredients
- 1 cup salt
- 2 cups flour
- 1.5 cups boiling water
- 2 tbsp oil
- a few drops of fresh lemon juice
To this you can add fresh herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, mint – anything that smells nice and is not an irritant!
Check for any allergies before starting and be careful with the hot water.

2. Method
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl with a metal spoon. As soon as it is cool enough to touch, start kneading until it becomes soft, stretchy, and pliable. Mix in the herbs.
The dough should look and smell wonderful.
Add some small twigs for pushing into the dough. Introduce pebbles, grass, leaves, pinecone kernels and flower petals for adding a range of textures and colours for added exploration.
What is the benefit for my toddler?
This activity enables your toddler to develop a wide range of skills such as:
- Maths by measuring, weighing and counting when you are making the dough together
- Physical motor skills through mixing, pinching, poking, squishing, and rolling the dough
- Expressive arts and design through sculpture, role play and imaginative play with the dough
- Literacy through role-play language and learning new vocabulary such as herb names
- Personal, social and emotional skills as they work independently or with you and stay involved in their play
We hope you enjoy your play dough as much as we do!